Models Required for Aesthetic & Beauty Treatments

High Quality Treatments for a Fraction of the Price – REGISTER NOW


Helen McGuinness Aesthetic & Beauty Training International is an established beauty and aesthetic training provider established in 1992. We have trained thousands of professionals both nationally and internationally.

In order to facilitate our training courses, we require models at certain times to receive treatment by Practitioners undertaking professional training. Models can enjoy high quality, results driven treatments at a subsidised cost due to the fact they are receiving their treatment in a training environment.

As a model you receive the treatment at a heavily discounted price, which enables you to get the treatment you want at an attractive cost, whilst also taking advantage of high-quality products giving amazing results.

Training Model Clients

(Application to be a Model at Helen McGuinness Aesthetic & Beauty Training)

Want to become a Training Model ?

In order to become a client training model, please complete and submit the registration form below.

Whenever we require models for a training course, we send out emails detailing the dates, treatments available and costs. Appointments are offered on a first come, first served basis. We have an ever-growing database of models and these treatments are in high demand, so we recommend getting in touch with us straight away if you are interested in a particular treatment and date. 

In order to book a treatment please email or telephone us on 023 8026 6448 in the first instance and we will then advise you of availability.

Training Model Registration Form

Training Model Registration Form

In order to register as a training model for student client sessions, please complete all fields in the form below and then click on the submit button

Address *
Post Code
GDPR Consent
My Agreement *

Terms and Conditions for Training Models

Models attending any course training appointments are primarily there to help with the learning needs of our students. By registering as a training model, booking and attending model session appointments, you understand and are agreeing to the following conditions:

The Nature of our Model Training sessions
You will be treated by a Practitioner undergoing training, who will be supervised by an experienced aesthetics practitioner/trainer. You are aware that you are acting as model for the beauty / aesthetic procedure and that the individuals who are administering the procedure are being trained and are supervised. You are attending as a model for a training session and NOT as a client in a private clinic. As such the protocols will differ from a commercial cosmetic practice.

Client Expectations
Please be aware that the primary purpose of a model appointment is for students who are undergoing training. HMABTI cannot therefore guarantee the same results and protocol as a full price treatment with an experienced Professional. We teach standard landmarks and doses for each treatment. For this reason, you may not be able to achieve the same bespoke result that you can in a clinic with an experienced practitioner. You may, therefore, require further treatments after a training model appointment to achieve a full bespoke cosmetic result. You understand that beauty and aesthetics is not an exact science and therefore no guarantee can be given as to the results of the treatment. You accept and understand that the goal of treatments is improvement, not perfection, and that there is no guarantee that the anticipated results will be achieved.

Model appointment availability
All appointments are subject to availability and specific course scheduling on specific set dates. All model appointments must be confirmed by us before attendance at our Training clinic.

Model Suitability
Model applicants are responsible for reviewing all the information provided regarding each procedure and potential problems that can occur. By attending as a model, you declare that you have no known allergies, medical conditions, or contraindications to the treatments you request. All treatments provided on the day will be based on the indications required for that specific course and date. HMABTI reserves the right to select models based on indication and may refuse treatments if the indications are not suitable for training purposes.

Before and after photographs and videos will be taken for our records and as a training model, you agree that these may be used for training purposes.

Fees payable
I am aware that I am required to pay a set non-refundable fee as a model for a specific service and this fee may be paid in cash or card. I am aware this price may vary in relation to the amount of product used (i.e., units of botulinum toxin or mls of dermal filler). I am aware that no refunds will be given in the event that a treatment or product does not achieve the planned outcome (for example if an anti-wrinkle treatment does not soften wrinkles).

Timing of Model sessions
I understand that as a model in a training session, appointment times are approximate and will not always follow a typical timeframe due to the nature of the training environment.

As model attendance is paramount to the student therapists training schedules, we kindly ask that models are reliable and on time for their appointments. HMABTI reserves the right to remove models from our training client list if they are consistently late or disruptive to the course provision.

Changes to Training and Appointment Dates
In some circumstances (such as student illness), we may need to change or cancel appointments. You will be given advanced notice of this where possible and a suitable alternative appointment date and time will be offered if available. We do not accept any liability for the cost of any travel expenses or other costs incurred by models to attend an appointment.

Model Cancellations
In the event where a model has to cancel please give us at least 48 notice in order to ensure that any appointment scheduled for a student may be rebooked with another model in time for the training date. HMABTI reserves the right to remove models from our training client list if they cancel several times at short notice or fail to turn up for their appointment.

Health and Safety
Please be aware that we strictly abide by the latest Government health and safety guidance. All models must therefore complete a medical history consultation and informed written consent prior to being treated. Due to health and safety reasons, we regret we are unable to accommodate children or another person attending the appointment with you unless the person attending with you is your Carer and this has been agreed with us in advance.

Side effects and Complications
By attending as a model, you are declaring that you have no known allergies, medical conditions or contraindications to the treatments you have requested. With any aesthetic / injectable treatments there can be potential side effects and complications, which you are advised of and made a aware of. We try our best to prevent the occurrence of any complications, but should there be a complication, we will offer to review the situation in the next training session. We regret we are unable to provide private consultation for models with complications unless the issue is a serious complication, which fortunately is very rare. However, in the event of a rare emergency or an urgent correction that is affecting your health, we advise you contact us as soon as possible to ensure the correct steps are taken to resolve any issues from the procedure. If a cosmetic model desires expert review / additional treatment, this will be offered at the cost price.

Review appointments (Anti-wrinkle injections)
Due to the nature of our training sessions, which are held on specific dates, and the reduced fees that training model clients are charged, standard review appointments are not included as they are with full price private clinic appointments. In the case where a training model client experiences asymmetry or correction is needed, clients must email us with a photo of the area/s affected after 14 days (once the product has had time to settle) but no later than 21 days after the initial treatment. Any requests falling outside this time frame would be treated as new model treatments and would need to be booked and paid for in the normal way as a new treatment appointment. If a correction is deemed to be required by HMABTI, then this may be offered on a future training session and will be at the sole discretion of HMABTI. If the outcome of any treatment is satisfactory and it is a case of more product is required for the individual client, then an additional charge will be made.

Exclusion of Liability and Disclaimer
While every effort has been made to ensure that all model treatments provided during student therapists training sessions are of the highest standard possible, your decision to undergo treatment is solely of your own choice and purely under these terms and conditions. Accordingly, HMABTI will not be liable for any loss, damages or misdemeanours caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly through an individual attending as a training model client for treatments at HMABTI.

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